Thurs. Mar 9, 2023, Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at 32,254.86


‎-543.54 (‎-1.66%)

SVB Financial Group106.04‎-60.41%


‎-161.79 (‎-60.41%)



‎-69.69 (‎-65.72%)

This one asset decline focused attention on the entire financial sector the next day:  Large retail banks decline between 10-13 percent. What is the immediate cause? Emphasis on immediate.  Beginning with a note from Bill Ackman, he advised a government bailout as the bank of SVB Financial Group help needed cash of the Venture Capitalists (VC) which are the primary depositors. At least one major VC depositor advised other VC’s to withdraw their cash deposits now. This informed advisory could be the instigation of a nation-wide financial contagion not similar, but exactly like the Great Financial Crisis of 2008. Cause was not bad management, but unexpected and thus unprovisioned credit unavailability. The Federal Reserve Bank ultimately with the U.S. government (alias public taxpayers) bailed out the major U.S. banks.  The existing major Banks tried to stop the contagion but were unsuccessful. The rest is known history with global wide consequences.

By 7:00 AM, the same day, on air live whispered words of “contagion” and “selling bond holdings at loses” became live news marquee headlines in mere minutes in self-fulfilling warnings.  Of the hundreds of twitter responses to Bill Ackman, none advocated any bailout whatsoever. Private profits versus socialized losses, do not fight the Fed, face the losses VC’s accept in their risk business, No tax payer bailout, are exemplary of the public and professional investor negative sentiment.

The Fed mission of higher interest rates for longer (even unlimited) duration (to keep so-called inflation from rising) only affect businesses and individuals with short and/or long term debt.  Cash is king and accrued saving and consistent profitable net sales income is the only way to growth going forward. Otherwise unprofitable, uncompetitive, zombie businesses will fail. VC’s will need not 51% ownership but 60%-66% ownership contingent with minority owner buy back at prevailing market rates. All so-called start-ups of any kind must be self-sustaining in operational and growth income. It is a new era of conservative financing, ex no interest funding and operating loans. These are inflationary and contrary to the mission of any Central Bank. Successful start-ups must be triple AAA rated for VC investment, otherwise on their own growth from profitable product and/or service sales.

Will there be a national bank run?  So what if everybody took out all their money with nowhere to deposit it (if not in heavy protected home safe) and no reason to withdraw their deposits save fear of some banks’ failures, (except non-bank investing, loan financing alternatives). If cash is king, maybe withdraw money from equity and bond trading accounts?  This is a possibility:  hide out as it were in treasury bills, short duration (2, 10) bonds for who knows how long. Unless prepared to offer public and/or private financial services as a non-bank, leave cash in banks, eliminate all debts as much as possible, and invest very conservatively, if at all, for a few years or more, until financial and economic trends are much more settled and defined.

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Necessary Successful Future Economic and Financial Trends

Rising cost of living keeps me focused on saving income as best as possible, less credit card.

Use debit card instead.

People must go to private credit lenders instead of banks for low interest line of credit and mortgages.

Economy must change from credit increasing debt to savings, dividend paying stocks and no credit card use as soon as possible, so higher Central Bank’s high and higher rising will not effect or have less and lesser effect on credit debt as we pay off our credit balances.

Mike Restivo months ago in late 2022, claimed the North American economy was in stagflation and remains so. Stagflation is high inflation and recession simultaneously.

Textbook definition yes, but incomplete. What then is high inflation and growing economy (Gross Domestic Product) simultaneously? It is still stagflation, however the predominant inflationary component is not elective spending or economic Supply Curve increasing on the Curve itself only. The Supply Curve itself is shifted upwards as cost of all supplies rise as have done for many decades. This cannot be anything new or transitory and certainly cannot be falsely called “inflationary” by Central Banks’ misadventure propaganda. This is how Capitalism works correctly. Central Banks harm the consumer needlessly to the contrary.

It is the unnecessary mistaken Central Banks’ addition of higher and ever more increasing interest rates, which must exceed the so called terminal rate of 5.5%. They will increase to no limit as they and they alone deem necessary with no effect as both markets and economy perseveres and thrives following this Mike Restivo conservative financial practice conjecture (2022).

It is insanity to expect workers to starve do death from unemployment. It is insane to expect companies to fail due to high and increasingly higher interest rate costs.

Both must and will adjust using non bank credit instead and produce as company and service as employee in ways to minimize expenses and credit needs.

The nature of work and production must revert to 50 years ago, where cash and dividends, earning and minimal short and long term debt is king.

Those that fail to adapt will fail, hence recessionary economic influences. Those that do adapt successfully will influence a, if not the, bull equity market going forward from 2023.

Investors, of any duration, must and will cherry pick candidates only with sound financial practices. Speculators will ride volatility and markets’ (equity, option, futures, bonds) momentum as it presents itself as usual.

Contact Mike Restivo for free initial consultation how to persevere and overcome the economic damage of stagflation for both personal and commercial finances.

“Get informed, get organized and get engaged!” – Mike Restivo

Consult Mike Restivo for more value-added advice. “Basics for free. Details for fee.” – Mike Restivo

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Supply Inflation Consequences

Part 1 of more: As supply inflation rises to a higher and permanent level so workers must demand much higher wages to live. As fixed mortgage terms up for renewal (every 5 years), some now, existing monthly payments of 5% insurance payment included is about C$2,000.00 per month on C$500,000.00 real estate property. With new interest rates, monthly cost is 6 times or C$12,000.00 per MONTH NOW and RISING!

Many cannot afford to pay and will as has happened before, just give house keys to lending bank and walk away. NOW at 6 months later, maybe interest rates cut back to what they were a year ago.
Now the same person COULD pay the monthly payment, but the house is gone in foreclosure. Banks get rich from higher interest payments and property rich from temporary payment inability of mortgage holder. No refund now. No real estate property either. All legal.

Higher and rising cost of living, higher and rising interest on debt payments to lender banks, excessively higher mortgage payments. Less real estate property for sale, higher and rising rental costs, low and lower wages, more and more unemployment, less jobs.

When labour begs for more wages, Central Banks call it inflationary! It is not, as any economic student knows from first year studies. The people are having their money legally removed from them exactly when they need whatever income they can get doing anything to eat and feed their children.

Shame on all governments that allow this state of affairs to start, persist and grow to enrich banks and lenders. Vote only for representatives who will work to improve and protect workers lives. Are there now any lawyers willing to help the people as defenders of their public right to life? Only silence.

Same with doctors who keep silent for over 2 years about danger and deaths of Sars-Cov-02 and other respiratory diseases and new sub variants of Omicron virus.

“Get informed, get organized, get involved.” – Contact Mike Restivo to learn how to survive the coming depression and availability of other services, basics for free, details for fee.

Posted in Business, Career Development, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Leadership, Politics, Social Philosophy, Ethics, Society | Comments Off on Supply Inflation Consequences

Real Economic Truth About Inflation

Part 1 of more: Inflation, Central Banks’ rising interest rates, rising cost of living, supply shortages, retail price increases, protests … So what does it mean? To all people, not just the indebted. There is an economic contagion afoot, but more latter. From 1st year Economics class: Purpose of Economics is to provide equal distribution of wealth and full employment. Self-confessed mission of Central Banks? Lower the domestic product output of the economy and increase unemployment. For astute readers, these are direct violations of the self-described purpose of economics. So we live in a sea of lies. what is new.Inflation is not a unity. It is comprised of supply inflation and demand inflation. Remember those supply and demand curves in first year Eco? Are there no economics students. None writing to the public. Go read any few definitions of Inflation and learn first the simple one: Too much money chasing too few goods (and services). This refers to demand inflation only. Monetarism; the adjustment of C.B. lending rates higher to admittedly lower “Inflation”. Has absolutely no influence on supply Inflation, which is the preponderant part of total inflation.

Part 2 of more: People are already pulling back their running after bling bling or whatever; they have no money net monthly bill payments on their rising credit card invoices. So, no demand inflation to speak of because not much unencumbered cash or credit available to contribute to it. How long rates either rise or stay high? Until target rate of 2% total inflation is achieved claims C.B.’s. Inflation of Dec. 7 2022 is at approx. 7.5%. NO ONE knows or is willing to tell how long except Mike Restivo. Anyone, go look up the Internet. Everybody hopes “pivot” meaning decrease in rates. To where? and When? soon. Exactly? first quarter 2023. Nope. As I have explained previously. We are in a state of stagflation that could see high rates, inflationary by themselves (!!!) persist for several years. Last time in the 1970’s duration was 4 years. Caused by OPEC turning down oil production. Solution was OPEC turning up oil production. Monetarism had absolutely no part in the solution. Same as at present 2022. Oil output down, will only give supply inflation reprieve when turned up again like before. Nobody study history? Read the Internet for free?

Part 3 of more: Public endure even higher interest rates from C.B. and then for longer duration. Their target level is impossible to reach as the structure of supply is changed due to geo-political changes from wars to belligerencies. Nat gas, LPG, petroleum permanently scarce resources. Supply inflation is permanent. Anyone who expects economy to be so slowed such that businesses go bankrupt is insane. No business, no money, no food, die. Same with unemployment. Anyone who expects unemployed, unemployable by already dying businesses, just roll over and starve is insane. Both sectors will do whatever they must do from prostitution drug sales gun manufacture and sales, the devil only knows what. to live. Remember Dirty Thirties? They are now. Students armed with knives and guns, selling drugs. Increase violence and death on streets. Gets much worse, makes truck protest look like tea party. No one listening. It is everyone’s problem now and going forward. “Get informed, get organized, get involved.” – Mike Restivo

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Link to CDC

Scientists are now researching, (Aug. 2, 2022) if Monkeypox virus, present variants (2), can be transmitted by air secretions (coughing, sneezing, shouting speaking).

There can be no false refuge in believing that this is restricted only to the homosexual community. Present infection rate of confirmed cases is spready, doubling at least every 7 days.

Contagion to any human by human to human contact or aerosol will be possible.

Learn about possible Monkeypox virus side affects even after recovery from Monkeypox virus lesions.

Monkeypox – Wikipedia

Keep 2-3 metres distance and wear PPE when possible.

4th booster shot is fully vaccinated for Covid-19 (Sars-Cov-02).

Waiting for only possible Omicron strains specific vaccine possibly available in Sept. 2022, may be too late.

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Concerns Over President Biden’s Health

With respect to President Biden’s recent diagnosis of Covid-19 positive last week and his taking additional medicine, Paxlovid and Tylenol by Friday July 22, 2022, CNN news reveals that he is using an “inhaler” “as needed”.

These symptoms suggest the possibility of serious complications which for him having 2 shots and additional 2 boosters should not typically arise. So-called “flu-like” symptoms of runny nose and dry cough in any circumstance do not require an inhaler as does his case.

Is this a metaphor for nebulizer? More worrisome, a prelude to ventilator usage as required IF his oxygen levels decline, requiring intubation? What may aftereffects result in cognitive and mobility deficiencies of so-called long-Covid-19 in his case?

Exactly what Sars-Cov-02, alias Covid-19, variant does President Biden have?

If he has Omicron variant of Covid-19 and especially its descendants, BA.4 or BA.5, these are the most infectious mutations of Covid-19 to date and most able to evade any vaccines even with boosters.

Using 2 year old vaccine formulations which lose most of their efficacy in 3 months are insufficient protection for anyone of any age or health pre-condition.

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Restivo Reports Short-Term and Long-Term Economic Outlook

Economic, financial, and capital markets can be seen, understood and experienced in several ways:  Theoretic and/or with respect to historical norms and experiences, general media news and commentary, so-called Wall Street narrowly explained behaviour and also so-called main street or kitchen table economics experiences and opinions of individuals.

Some definitions of words avoided from public perception/information:


Inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time. A quantitative estimate of the rate at which the decline in purchasing power occurs can be reflected in the increase of an average price level of a basket of selected goods and services in an economy over some period of time. The rise in prices, which is often expressed as a percentage, means that a unit of currency effectively buys less than it did in prior periods. Inflation can be contrasted with deflation, which occurs when the purchasing power of money increases and prices decline. – Inflation Definition (


Stagflation is characterized by slow economic growth and relatively high unemployment—or economic stagnation—which is at the same time accompanied by rising prices (i.e., inflation). Stagflation can be alternatively defined as a period of inflation combined with a decline in the gross domestic product (GDP). – Stagflation Definition (


A recession is a macroeconomic term that refers to a significant decline in general economic activity in a designated region. It had been typically recognized as two consecutive quarters of economic decline, as reflected by GDP in conjunction with monthly indicators such as a rise in unemployment. However, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), which officially declares recessions, says the two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP are not how it is defined anymore. The NBER defines a recession as a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. – Recession Definition (

Depression – A depression is a severe and prolonged downturn in economic activity. In economics, a depression is commonly defined as an extreme recession that lasts three or more years or which leads to a decline in real gross domestic product (GDP) of at least 10%. in a given year. Depressions are relatively less frequent than milder recessions, and tend to be accompanied by high unemployment and low inflation. – Depression Definition (

A little scenario analysis:  Consider the worst economic outcome, from the above definitions, all things otherwise being equal, which they never really are:

Deepening Depression with high, rising Inflation – War, famine, drought, endemic or pandemic plague(s) are prime extraordinary causes, none of which are mutually exclusive, indeed, all can be experienced globally simultaneously, if not directly, then indirectly in global interconnectedness, the so-called Global Economic Order (The so-called social, financial and government evil of many Conspiracy Theories for many decades).

With respect to so-called First World Countries, none of these specific widespread causes obtain, to much relief, yet do some factors increasingly contribute?  Yes.

  1. Plagues (i.e. pandemics) such as, Sars-Cov-02, Monkey Pox and Bird Flu (H5N1) are diseases of concern, whatever that means to the average household.  Life going forward will be constantly burdened by increasing severity of infections of increasing numbers of “novel” diseases, not your grandfathers’ diseases, but variations of same if not outright new ones in the face of scientific inadequacy to treat if not cure them.
  2. Water shortage due to Climate Change, “hotter summers with colder winters” depleting drinking water reservoirs and forced decreased crop irrigation capacity to alarming levels of inadequacy.  As California for example, becomes a desert, both famine and drought can exist simultaneously.
  3. War(s) involving other nations can have an indirect deleterious effect on other nations.  In a global threat of tactical nuclear engagement(s) among nuclear capable nations, whose number can be increased merely through the theft of one or several atomic bombs and/or use of own delivery systems, from missiles to jets. Internet gives mush theory about bomb fabrication.  Stealing an atomic bomb (fission bomb) for example, assures it will work with no manufacturing costs involved.  Merely the threat of war, the fear of escalation of engagement with a nuclear power, can contribute to economic depression and prolong, if not exacerbate, conventional wars where present.

More to Continue:

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The Solution to Finding a Husband is Hard

The Solution – By Mike Restivo

  1. With love, fill the needs of eating and life together with gentle thoughts and ideas for the mind that can be as acceptable as eating without offending pride.
  2. Patiently suggest that life is meant to be fulfilled with kindness and love, not single focus on business or working too hard.
  3. Gently and patiently suggest ideas to make life peaceful and friendly/agreeable by tolerating, understanding and having kindness to everyone. We make our own lives happier too.
  4. See #2.
  5. Gently and patiently with love show your qualities that make him forget his EX and that she is unworthy.
  6. With love, help him to be as successful as possible with gentle suggestions and ways to increase income from extra part-time work.
  7. With loving understanding, tolerance and patience, romance and educated relationship sharing will bloom between a mutually loving couple naturally and with some gentle non-judgmental help through the female side.
  8. See #7.
  9. See #7.
  10. Male liar in relationship?  Try #7 or dump him as soon as possible.
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Since it is an established scientific fact that fully vaccinated persons, although at less risk of severe illness or death, remain fully infectious with the Delta and similar diseases like Lambda, that is 1,000 times higher viral load in the nasal cavity,

fully vaccinated persons are equally infectious as non-vaccinated persons.

Therefore mandates or business demand for full vaccination proof are useless to have any mitigating effect at all on the spread of Sars-Cov-02/Delta in any kind of transport on land, sea and air.

Furthermore, typical surgical level masks even double masking and ICU type N95 masks may have insufficient protection from infection and prevention from infecting others even when fully vaccinated.

Stay tuned to Mike Restivo and Restivo Media Co. for vital health science information since March 1, 2020. Over 500,000 U.S. patients have died needlessly due to anti-science, conspiracy theories, political cultism and political neglect if not interference against the public health. Do not be counted among the seriously health compromised individuals with long term, if not life long, neuropathy, mobility and respiratory deficits or death. “Survival goes to the informed.” – Restivo

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At the beginning of 2020 (March 1, 2020), Mike Restivo in a series of articles on Sars-Cov-02, available on my media site, explained the dangers of this plague, otherwise called by nicknames such as Covid-19, now mutations of which called Alpha, Beta, Delta and so on to simplify both the understanding and the danger of the virus and its variants.

Since then over 500,000 people of the U.S.A. have perished needlessly, under the social maelstroms of anti-science, political cultism, political lethargy and lack of guidance by anyone of pre-med and above education and/or student of viral history, from free internet reading availability.

As of Aug. 1, 2021, these simple facts can be readily observed, whether accepted by some polemical position remains to be realized.

One fact, according to the CDC and other legitimate sources, is that the unvaccinated are most likely to become infected by the current dominant variant, Delta, than fully vaccinated ones. Another fact now disclosed by CDC, this week, is that fully vaccinated are just as likely to infect both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated individuals.

Another medical fact is that fully vaccinated individuals’ symptoms, or non symptoms provide a viral platform upon which the variant can evolve to escape vaccine immunity, especially as already vaccine escaping variants, so-called double variants, like Delta, can unite and produce a variant with demonstrably greater evasive properties, so-called triple variant.

It has been known by Science and Medicine, for over 13 years, since SARS epidemic, that vaccines could not be produced that over stimulate the immune system such that autoimmune disease is triggered resulting in major organ damage. There are limits known of how much booster(s) can be endured safely by the human body.

The fact from CDC that immunity begins to fail at 6 weeks from the second vaccination. The frequency of additional boots remains unexpressed. One annually is already out of the question as ineffective. Every 6 months at present similarly seems to little too late. Every 3 months then, may encroach upon over stimulating the immune system.

Boosting immune system methods, is all science has at present. Only direct attacks upon the virus with immune system uninvolved shows better effective promise. Vaccine research in HIV has been on going over 30 years to no effect. Curious that HIV anti-viral therapeutics were administered to early infected patients as were steroids, in “use what we have” methods available for rapid delivery. “Survival goes to the informed.” – Restivo

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